Leather dog collar padded with thick felt for maximum dog comfort.Good for agitation work.
Leather dog collar size:
1 3/16'' on 25 1/2''(3.0 cm on 65.0 cm)
1 9/16'' on 27 1/2''(4.0 cm on 70.0 cm)

Padded Leather dog collar with thick felt for dog training or for dog owners
General "Woof" Collar Tip: When you need adjustable collar with more than just 1,2 or 3 notches/holes purchase one of our collars w3ith confidence
We make our standard collars with at least 5 notches/holes to give your dog enough adjustment flexibility when your dogs goes on diet or grows/ gains some weight No need to purchase new collar
Dog Collars,Leather Dog Collars,Training Dog Collars,Padded Dog Collars,Best Dog Collars,Custom Dog Collars - K9 Dog Collars,Training Collars,Working Collars