New on Puppy and young dogs sleeve made of strong yet safe for your dog jute material with short shoulder(same material used to make most of the bite tugs).

Similar K9 "BiteZone" Half Sleeve for both Arms-Puppy SLEEVE
Why to buy this arm:
You can release your hand really fast from that sleeve during training
This half sleeve has additional handle and small loop for leash connection.
Very light weight will make sure you will not get exhausted fast during training.
Also very easy to clean this sleeve and how good it stands bad weather conditions.
Perfect dog training equipment for puppy and young dogs training.
General "Woof" Tip: Is your dog still a puppy? Well I always recommend to get one of our economic solution products. We make very nice low price good quality leather collars, muzzles and harnesses. With muzzle I would recommend to wait until dog fills in, the only exception is when your dog has some behavior or aggression issues which must be solved instantly. Please note, that when you get some products while your dog is not fully grown, it might lead to the situation when your dog will outgrow a muzzle, harness or a collar. This is why it is preferable to provide age and breed of your dog when you place the order.